Paternity 2020
Since 2019 there has been an ongoing issue regarding time off for Paternity duties and the pay involved for the second week.
We were made aware in 2019 that our paternity pay policy was not in line with other universities as we did not pay full paternity pay for 2 weeks. Instead one week was full pay and the second was at the statutory paternity rate.
So, UNISON decided to run a campaign.
Here are some facts
Statutory Paternity Pay for eligible employees is either £151.20 a week or 90% of their average weekly earnings (whichever is lower). Tax and National Insurance need to be deducted. Calculate an employee's paternity leave and pay using the maternity and paternity calculator.
To qualify for Statutory Paternity Pay, you must have worked for your employer for at least 26 continuous weeks before: the 15th week before the baby is due. the end of the week the adoption agency matched you with a child.
This can work out to be less than minimum wage.
This affects not just the partners of women on maternity leave, but affects the women too. Partners who are unable to afford the second week at a lower rate of pay are taking less leave to assist their partner in the early days (particularly necessary if someone has had a difficult birth, twins or a caesarean section).
Paternity update
We are pleased to report that after meeting with the Equality Office, many months of gathering data from other universities and discussion at the Joint Negotiating Consultative Committee (JNCC), UNISON put a case forward to Human Resources in November of 2020.
JNCC is a committee of union representatives from UNISON and UCU who meet regularly with management to discuss important matters.
Evidence was gathered from other universities in UNISON's Eastern Region who were paying 2 weeks full paternity pay to their employees.
It was argued by UNISON was that the University of Hertfordshire already budget to pay all staff for 52 weeks of the year so any saving would be minimal.
These facts were taken into account when this issue was reviewed, and it was agreed at the JNCC to put the case forward for discussion, to accompany the suite of family friendly policies already in place.
When these went before the Chief Executive Group (CEG) for approval it was agreed that 2 weeks full paternity pay would be the rule going forward.
A very good "WIN!" for our UNISON members and all UH staff.