Annual General Meeting

UNISON University of Hertfordshire Branch

Date: Wednesday 6th March 2024
Time: 11.50 for 12:00pm start. We hope to end at 2.00 pm

Venue: Room D110 on College Lane and Online with ZOOM. The Zoom link will be emailed to you individually.  

Every member is allowed time off work to attend.  We encourage as many of you as possible to join us in person, but we understand that some of you may prefer the online option or find it more convenient.  Whatever you do, please prioritise attending! If you want to bring your sandwiches/lunch, please feel free.

What’s happening?
The Annual General Meeting is a formal meeting which every UNISON Branch must hold once a year.

We will be:

  • Updating you all on recent successes, work in progress and future plans

  • Electing the Branch Executive for 2024-25

  • Carrying out formal tasks such as approval of minutes and other paperwork

This year we are excited to have a guest speaker again – Martin Thurlow, Branch Chair at the University of Bedfordshire Branch. Martin is an great speaker and dedicated UNISON worker, and he will be an excellent addition to our AGM.

It’s not too late to help out - we are looking for new members to join us on the Executive team. We have vacancies for interesting posts and are always looking for Workplace Stewards to represent you in your departments. So if you think you have something to offer then please email

You should already have received a pack of paperwork through the post. We will also be providing all the documentation through the website, using links to a variety of documents to ensure the process is transparent and honest. The various links will go live as each document is available and becomes active.

Heather Oakley, Branch Secretary.

Branch Documents

AGM Agenda 2024

Minutes from AGM 2023

Branch Rules (Updated March 2022)

Nomination Form - for officers and reps

Finance Reports

Authorisation from auditors

Income/Expenditure Account


We are publishing the documents here rather than sending them personally to reduce carbon footprint and reduce cost to members.

​Branch AGM Minutes 

The record of last year's AGM draft minutes (draft until approved by the membership at the next AGM) .

Branch Finance Reports

The accounts of last year, shown in the Balance Sheet and the Income & Expenditure Sheet, as approved by the Branch Auditors

Branch Assessment Documents

The Branch Assessment for last year and the new one for this year are available in the in the Branch Documentation links to the right on this page.  Branch Assessments are rather like appraisals but for the Branch as an organisation. The Branch Secretary is interviewed by a Regional Officer, an Assessment made and objects set for the coming year.

Nomination Form

For those who wish to nominate someone for the Executive, the Nomination Form is here or available in the Branch Documentation links to the right. Download, complete and send to the Branch Secretary, Unison, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane herts. AL10 9AB. Alternatively bring to the AGM and hand to the Branch Secretary before the meeting starts or email it to the unison mailbox​.​

Branch Officer Reports

These are the individual reports of the Branch Officers, advising what the respective Officer has been doing during the year. Some roles are shared, such as  so you will see a joint report covering what the role has been doing rather than an individual.  A summary of these reports will be presented at the AGM by the Branch Secretary as a Branch Report or an account of Branch activities during the year.​

Branch Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report

Chair’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Health & Safety Officer’s Report